Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Starting your PLP 8/14


More colleges and companies than ever are searching the web to screen potential candidates. You can expect them to at least google you. But you can just hide yourself from the world. It is important to show something. One of the goals of the Personal Learning Portfolio is to start populating social media with things other than your food pictures from Instagram, and pictures from the party last Friday on Facebook.


Look at your social profile as an outsider. Google your name. Read through your Twitter. Check what you Facebook Timeline looks like from someone who isn't a friend. Is it empty? Is there things you should remove from there? Does it give a positive reflection of you?


For this class we will use Twitter and a personal blog. Your twitter username can be your current one if it is appropriate for school, but it must be public (the whole point is for people to be able to find you). If you feel like there is no saving your Twitter, you can create a new one.
For your blog, you can use either Blogger or WordPress. If you already have a blog, and you wish to use it for this you are free to do that, but it must be appropriate for school.

For your first post, describe yourself to the world. What are your interests, what do you like study, where do you want to go to school? But remember, this is people you don't know you to find out about you. They don't want to know what you ate for dinner, or about your cat.


Once you have everything going, tweet your blog address with the hashtag #RHSIM1 and introduce yourself.

Then complete the following form and we will share it with the class.

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